When I started Stitching Change almost 10 years ago with just two sewing machines and two volunteers, I didn’t know what it would become. What I did know was that overlooked, low-income women and youth deserved more than just hand-out programs because they are smart and resilient people. When their voices are heard and their leadership and creativity are welcome, they not only survive but they become striving and thriving members and leaders of our community. Thank you for your continuing support! We do this together.
Sincerely, Rakmi Shaiza, Founder and Executive Director

Your Support Helps Us To:
- Operate our Refugee Social Enterprise program
- Offer free Community Sewing Programs
- Train students to set-up small, home-based businesses
- Find markets for the repurposed and earth-friendly products that our students made
- Provide a nurturing and supportive social space

Our Success Story:
- Created supplementary income for 10 years for our women and youth
- Built long-term relationships with our students
- Helped our youth graduate from high school and enroll in college
- Provided more than 1000 hours of sewing classes and other life skills training to refugees and the KC community
- Created partnerships with local and national organizations, churches and retail stores
- Reclaimed and reused tons of scrap and surplus textiles, keeping these fabrics out of landfills
- Provided high-quality, reusable tote bags and other handmade items to our community and beyond for almost than 10 years
- Hired some of our students to serve on our leadership team